For new homebuyers, an important aspect of making sure a house runs properly is having a functional septic system. While this part of a home can often go overlooked, it is truly one of the most vital components to ensure the proper functioning of any home. Deciding which system is most appropriate for one’s home can often be a confusing choice, however there are several ... Continue Reading about Stone and Pipe Septics Versus Enviro Septics
Locating Your Septic Tank
One of the services Maznek Septic offers is finding a "lost" septic tank. Perhaps you are buying a home that has been foreclosed on or for some other reason you cannot find the septic tank. Whatever the reason, we would be happy to come out to your property and help you locate your septic tank. If you have any questions, simply call us at (603) 471-1415. ... Continue Reading about Locating Your Septic Tank
Laundry Detergents
Do Certain Laundry Detergents Help Septics Last Longer? People often wonder what type of laundry soap is easiest on septic systems. Some may recommend low phosphate detergents. But by far, liquid laundry detergents break down more easily than traditional laundry powders, which tend to cake and potentially clog your system. Even though liquid laundry detergents tend to cost ... Continue Reading about Laundry Detergents